Make collaborating with your team easier with enterprise file sharing. Staff can share links, sync files and work collaboratively, with full training and support provided by Bigfish. Plus all sensitive data is encrypted, no matter what type of device is used.
Enterprise File Sharing
Enterprise file sharing means you no longer a need to rely on an in-house server to store your files. It’s cloud-based, secure and fast, with all files held locally at our Melbourne data centre. Staff can access the files anywhere, anytime without worrying about data security.
Switching to the cloud is easy. Bigfish will handle the migration and integration to make the switch seamless.
Access to files can be blocked and devices wiped remotely if they are lost or stolen.
Let your team collaborate and share as never before, with in built version control, retention and link sharing.

Bigfish’s enterprise file sharing is built with speed in mind.
All data is subject to military grade encryption, stored in Australia, giving you best of breed protection.
You can edit synchronised files locally from your PC as you do normally and can securely view files from a mobile device such as an iPad or iPhone giving you access from anywhere.